Letters from a Sailor

Letters from a Sailor
Clark "Buss" Gerdes, USN

Friday, December 6, 2013


14 April 1957
"I bought a camera yesterday morning for $15.00 and sold it before the end of the day for $20.00, so that is $5.00 profit in a short time. Now that money I'll use for to get Sandra's and Timmy's picture painted over here. I am getting the reputation of being a tite wad on here, but old Gerdes is looking out for Gerdes and Gerdes alone. In the first place, I never had the $15.00 to begin with so I told the fellow that I bought the camera from that he would have to wait til Monday (pay day) to get the money. But I sold it before then so now I don't have to draw so much money off the books...When I was over in town the other day, I bought a set of salt and pepper shakers and I am going to send them to Mom. I paid 100 yen for them which is about 25 cents...KEEP THE DOOR LOCKED AT NITE. As if you aren't."
Clark A. Gerdes, USN circa 1939
Ruth's salt and pepper shakers from Japan

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