Letters from a Sailor

Letters from a Sailor
Clark "Buss" Gerdes, USN

Monday, September 30, 2013

Marseille, France

21 December 1952
"Boy all the fellows are really getting the mail today and am I ever helping them eat everything that they offer me. At the present time I have a box of some sort of cookies that one of the fellows had gotten from his mother...Then there is always someone that is getting a package from home and stopping by the office with it...you can see that we are really getting some sugar reports...One of the fellows that works here in the office with me got a small Xmas tree from his wife in the mail so we have it setting up on a shelf with all the decorations on it and a ribbon on the very top. So you can see we are really having a true Xmas this year...I have been looking at some of these Ranch Type houses that I got today...I guess we had better be satisfied with some smaller home at first."
Buss and Ruth's future home (circa 1968)

19 December 1952
"Well are you looking forward to the day when the Quincy comes steaming in to Norfolk? I sure hope that you are there on the dock when we come in. I just like to run up to you and throw my arms around you and give you a great big kiss. This time I won't try to shove you away from me like I "was told I did last time". It wasn't you, it was some of these fellows that are on this ship. I did not think that I did that, do you?"


Sunday, September 29, 2013

18 December 1952
"Williamson made up a chart to-day with the number of the days that we have to be away from the States. We have the 5th of February all circled with a red pencil...He is not staying his twenty years so I guess when he gets out he is getting hooked up with some babe...I don't think that I would ever go back to the old way of living without a wife to look after you. It really must be nice to come home to a good looking wife like you when I get out of this outfit...I sure get a lot of compliments on your picture that I have setting up here in the office...Even our Disbursing Officer said "How can an old man like you get such a good looking wife?". Well you know what I say, "It ain't easy"
Buss and Ruth in their trailer...1950s.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

17 December 1952
"Last nite I went to see the show, "The Greatest Show on Earth" and I must say I really enjoyed it. The only thing wrong with it was you were not with me...Like you said that was really a great show. It certainly brought back memories of us when we used to go to the Ringling Bros. Circus in Madison Square Garden in New York. Remember how we used to get the best seats that we could get...Boy I sure had a lot of laughs there last nite. I guess it really done me good to see something like that for a change."
Buss and Ruth's Circus Program 1948

On the way to Marseille, France

15 December 1952
"Just think only 51 days more and we will be together again for a short time. That doesn't seem so terrible long does it? Well anyway it is too long for me, I know that...Boy are we ever hitting some rough water. Last nite I don't think I slept over one hour at the most. I was rolling and tossing all nite long...Have you been eating enough lately? I don't want you to skimp yourself when I am away....you seemed to always cook better and more when I get home. I think that when I get home I will just eat you. So when you come to the dock to see the ship come in, I want you to put some salt and pepper on yourself and that way you will taste better."


Friday, September 27, 2013

Letters to a Nephew

15 September 1952
"Hello Skip: Wish you were here to see all the things that you study about in school. I will write you soon so don't forget to look for a letter. Uncle Buss"


6 October 1952
"...How is the "Lone Ranger" coming along? I'll bet that you listen to him every nite that he is on, don't you?...What grade in school are you this year? Do you still go to the school in the country or are you going to Washburn to school? How many lickings did you get today in school? Don't say that you never get one, as all kids get them. If you don't believe me, just ask your Dad and he will tell you different."

Ismir, Turkey
15 November 1952
"I received your most welcome letter...I will try and send you some cards from all the different countries that I visit while I am over here. I have some from Spain now, but in the near future I will have some from, Turkey, Greece, Italy, and France...We are having about 70 little boys that live over here in Turkey aboard this ship today. We are going to feed them and give them all the ice cream that they want. Most of them are orphans."
Note: These letters were saved by my cousin, Steve Gerdes, for over 60 years. The following letter is from Steve and in it he shares some of his thoughts and memories.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

At Sea on the way to Marseille, France

14 December 1952
"One of the first class aboard this ship is trying to sell me some land in California. Somewhere near Sacramento...I sorta think that is too far north to suit us, don't you think so...You sure have been around since you married this sailor haven't you?...We were just talking about all the programs on the radio that we used to listen to...I hope that some day that we can get a television set and then you will be able to see all the people, especially the program "One Man's Family".

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

11 December 1952
"All the boys here in the office including myself were just talking about our wives and girlfriends. How tall are you anyway? I told them about 5 foot, how close am I? Williamson's sisters husband is 6 foot 10 inches tall. How would you like for me to be that tall?...One of the fellows aboard ship got hurt today and they carried him off in a stretcher. He was working in one of the turrets of the ship and one of the guns crushed him...He was in pain when they carried him off the ship. Now don't worry about me as I don't have anything to do with the guns and the turrets...Next year by this time, we will have our own little bambino to look after won't we."
Buss and Ruth circa 1947

10 December 1952
"We got three new fellows to day in the division...Now I have to find space for them to have a bunk and a locker. It seems that Gerdes is always wanted every where at all times...We got 70 bags of mail today. Yes, I said 70 bags. But I think it's all packages and newspapers...maybe that package that you sent me will be in this group...I wrote to Cdr. Bowler in Philadelphia the other day asking him to try and find out when I could expect my shore duty. I think that my orders are being held up...I sure do wish that he could help me out on that."


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

8 December 1952
"You know what I heard today? I heard that a certain fellow, I think you know who I mean, went to Washington when we were in Norfolk and told the people not to transfer me till he got off this ship. I really think that is a dirty trick to do to a fellow. So I guess that I will have to stay on here till "he" gets transferred when we get back. Boy was I burned up at first. Now I don't know for sure if this is true but I have a stinking feeling that it is. There is nothing that I would rather have than be home with you and have your arms around me when I get there. I sure do miss you."

7 December 1952
"Well we lost four storekeepers yesterday....heading for Norfolk and are to arrive there about 19th December...most of the fellows will make it home for Xmas. I sure wish that I could be home with you this Xmas...Just about two months left to do over here. I can't hardly wait til I get there either...the other list for chiefs came in yesterday and as usual I was not on it....I guess I will make it before I have my twenty years in this outfit."


Monday, September 23, 2013

Naples, Italy

4 December 1952
"My Darling Wife:...So Stiles' wife has a nice baby has she, well just wait till we have our twins???? Only kidding darling...I guess that Stiles is leaving day after tomorrow, 6 Dec.,I sure wish I could go with him, like I did last year. But I'll get a chance yet. just keep a stiff upper lip....Thanks for sending me the Xmas package. I know that you must have gone to a lot of work just so I would get something for Xmas....About the last of January we will head back to the States again. Oh glorious day when we get there....Your ever loving husband."


Thanksgiving at Sea 1952

28 November 1952

"Now that my Thanksgiving dinner is settled in my stomach I guess I will write you a letter...I was going to send you the menu that we had but I forgot to get one when I ate yesterday....What have you been doing with yourself lately? Have you seen any good movies there in Norfolk?...Do you remember the time that we went to Hempstead and went roller skating in that big rink there?...When I get back there, I think that we had better go out more often than we used to. I think it is better for the both of us. If we go out more, we don't get the chance to crawl down eithers throat."

Thanksgiving Menu 1952 -- USS John R. Craig

Sunday, September 22, 2013

1 December 1952
"tonite I must write you as I have something on my mind that I had better get off before it's too late...they told me that when you got the card that I would have to look for another wife...whatever it is that is written on the card, I sure wish that you won't get sore at me. As I was just a victim of an innocent prank...I hear a lot of commotion out side the office, I think they are feeding hot dogs tonite to the crew...I wish that you and I were eating one of those Howard Johnson hot dogs. They are really nice, aren't they? Maybe I'll get shore duty somewhere where Howard Johnsons Restaurants are located."


Friday, September 20, 2013

At Sea on the way to Naples, Italy

26 November 1952
"All the fellows are ribbing me about me being so tight with my money but I sure don't care. As I think I will have something when they won't. Another thing, I just can't see going and spending all my money like some the fellows do when they go ashore. One chief owes me $5.00 this payday....I will have about $15.00 to buy your Xmas present with and send it on to you....We have run out of the plain envelopes that I used to use when I wrote you so I had to go to the store and buy some of the ones that I am now using. They cost 10 cents for 12 of them. I sure do hate to buy anything in that store as I just hate to see that money creep from my hands. Yes, I guess you married a tite wad."

24 November 1952
"This is the last sheet of that paper that someone gave me, so from now on I won't be using it to write to you. I don't think that I would use it to write to my mother....Did I ever tell you about the cookies that you sent me. Well I received them in good time and the top layer was all crumbs, but the bottom was just like you had packed them. There wasn't a one of them broken. I gave some of them to the boys and they really liked them....Sometime when we are back in the States again I will show you where I have your picture and where I do all my writing. It is a place where visitors are not allowed to go but I think that I can get you in here OK."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thessaloniki [Salonika], Greece

23 November 1952
"I have not been over here in Greece either as I just can't see going over here in such a place. I know that I will probably never get the chance to be over here again as long as I live...there is not much to do except to go in the bars and drink and the houses of "ill fame". And you know I don't indulge in either of them....Some of these married men must not have any feelings toward their wife at all...Well I am sure glad that I have a good wife like you to be loyal to when I am away from you."
Buss Gerdes during World War II


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Salonika, Greece

22 November 1952
"As you have already noticed, I am using the same type of stationery that you were talking about in one of your letters...Don't worry I don't care how much you have, just so I have you in person. After all that is not all I look for in a wife....I am honestly and truthfully in deep love with you...I don't mind the RED kiss that you give me [on the envelope] as I just put my lips against it and that way I get a real kiss from you. That is more than most of the fellows can say about their letters...Do you still save all the letters that I write to you? I hope that neither of our children ever get a hold of them. Boy would our faces get red. But I think that you will have them all locked up when we do have a family, won't you?"


At Sea on the way to Salonika, Greece

19 November 1952
"I am sure glad that I did not go [ashore] as these fellows came back all drunked up. I think that it was meant for me to stay aboard that day....there was no camel fight anyway as the camels have to be in heat before they will fight...I sent out [my peacoat] to have cleaned while I was in Palermo, Sicily. Well after I got it back, I looked it over and found out that they had fixed all the lining in it. You remember the way the lining was all torn and frayed. Well now I have a good peacoat again...all just for the price of the cleaning."
Buss and his buddy, Lee Herrington wearing their peacoats (?) World War II


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

17 November 1952
"There are a lot of people that think that you are still a young girl by the looks of your picture....They think that you are about 25 or so. I sure hope that you stay that way, but at any rate I will love you in your 80's or 90's just like I do now so I don't want to have you worry about your age hindering your love affairs with me."
Ruth Gerdes circa 1952

Ruth at age 84.