Letters from a Sailor

Letters from a Sailor
Clark "Buss" Gerdes, USN

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 January 1953
"I received three letters from you yesterday...one where you had a letter from Si in it...I am the President of the First Class mess and it was up to me to write a letter to the Captain...about getting an icebox and a few things like that for us. Yes, everything falls on Gerdes...Well I thought that I could go on a diet beginning the first of the year. But I just kept on eating like I always have...You never did say that I was too heavy for you...maybe I was, but you never did want to say anything about it. Women are that way, at least I think they are...Boy if anyone should ever read these letters that I write you, I believe they would get a good laugh out of it. Well all I want to do is give you a big laugh. So I don't care what other people think."
Siona Wark Mortensen-Ruth's Sister


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